
Zero-carbon energy platform

Relying on the advanced zero carbon technology of Tsinghua and the world, tus environment is oriented to different regions and different users. In view of the main contradictions in energy transformation, it links the energy production and transformation, storage and distribution, application, recycling and recycling processes, and provides the wisdom of multi resource integration, multi technology integration and multi energy output according to the local conditions and user needs Comprehensive energy solutions to help achieve energy transformation goals. In the aspect of urban central heating, we will develop and merge urban central heating projects, provide clean heating services for urban users through the integrated operation mode of source, network and end, develop low-grade and residual heat resources of high-energy industrial enterprises such as electric power, metallurgy and chemical industry, invest in the construction of waste heat recovery system, and make efficient use of waste heat resources.

Main businesses

Investment, construction and operation of intelligent comprehensive energy and building energy efficiency management system; construction and operation of intelligent comprehensive energy platform; energy custody service; low carbon environmental protection consulting, planning and design

Key projects
  • Urban thermal service Detail +
  • Smart integrated energy and environmental service Detail +
  • Garbage power and comprehensive waste-to-energy stations Detail +